
Just thinking: It is impossible to win against Evolution. If you force women to stay with an unattractive man, then Evolution/female Nature Will find a way.
This is why girls reject Everything that seems like a step backwards, in Evolution.

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@sardonicsmile patriarchy but, woman still banged the alphas, chivalry as invented to for the peasants and lord who went to war, to take care of the bastard their wives had while they were away.

@RodrickSage @sardonicsmile chivalry wasn't even about how to threat women it was honor between knights you fucking spergs it was only in the Elizabethan era was it even talked about in that manner and it was FROM WOMEN to men not men to women

@VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile Not mentioning the Patriarchy is for building civilization and domesticating women.

We can see what happen when women are left to run wild.

Men can control themself but often women lack selfcontrol.

@Stahesh @VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile
On the bright side, if no society tries feminism, who the fuck would patriarchal societies rape and conquer???

@Zeb @VooDooMedic @RodrickSage @sardonicsmile True you got to repeat old times if society gets weak.

Soon the control gets weak. It will be time to go wild. So that you can do what ever you want

@sardonicsmile Don't look at it as "winning" against evolution. To use that language implies that you're trying to fight it. You don't have to force females to stay with unattractive males, but you can instill the behaviour of not tolerating female mouthiness.

Females will perpetually want the best males they can acquire; so, males need only limit their options. Will there be some that cuck their husbands? Yes. They're called adulterers, and the ancients knew what to do with them.


Handsome and ugly criteria are different for each species

Handsome and ugly criteria can change by changing DNA and environmental factors

Cut welfare for single mothers and women will choose mates based on men who make economically responsible decisions more often and those who do not will starve to death and decrease the frequency at which their genes spread


Selection will happen no matter what

We need to gear society to select the type of people we want in the future if society is to be better in the future

Right now it works to select for people who make bad decisions because the more you ruin your life the more welfare you get

@shortstories @sardonicsmile

And the kind of men we want to select are the ugly but well off? In that case, look no further than Brian Stelter or Tim Pool.

Which men are the cause of our current social degradation and corruption? The handsome but poor? Or the Jews? No seriously, do we want more betas who work for the system and make up for their subpar genes by responsibly bending the knee harder?
If we actually selected the dumb and handsome, you'd have a chaotic and masculine society.

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