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Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Remember the good old days when you got a job because you were the best qualified no matter what you looked like or what your background was?

I'm not saying people don't deserve a job but have we stopped encouraging people to improve and to strive for more?

#tspfriends #grownostr #nostrich #austrich #dei #merit #skill #earnit
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
No. The Gods need better Whites and not White trash willing to betraying their own for what amounts to magic beans and spiritual queerdom.
Stahesh boosted

Capitalism pits pharma against healthy people. Healthy people don't need pharma.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey With his stripper name, I'm not even surprised.
I hope the video reveals him stripping and dancing on a pole as well.

Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
Stahesh boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.