I heard "Holocaust denial" was put in mainstream media in so called Muslim countries then the U.S.A. threatened to cut funds they were giving to the Muslim countries so the people who allowed the "Holocaust denial" in the media were fired and the countries basically stopped posting "Holocaust denial" in the media
The person claimed that Iran allows such media. This might explain why they want to go to was in Iran
"Holocaust Denial" is a over simplification as the person called it revisionist
Imagine a episode of a TV show where Ashkenazi Jews sign up for classes at a center for Holocaust studies because they think the purpose is to study to prevent another Holocaust or get money but the ironic twist at the end is where they find out the center is studying how to remake gas chambers in order to repeat the holocaust
I am not endorsing repeating another Holocaust by saying this but just that it would make a entertaining surprise twist ironic ending to a fictional TV show