
Someone recommended this video to me, and it's really good. The guy uses the awful cartoon Legend of Korra to debunk equality and communism. Based

Sadly it goes into herd morality at the end. Disappointing.

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It's almost perfect, but the video endorses herd morality uses stupid oversimplified arguments to say that morality is objective. I can tell instantly that he is a pro stability/tradition Absolutist guy, and he later confirms this by endorsing monarchy.
I love how the Absolutist Right can correctly call out Equality on it's bullshit all day, but trip at the finish line and endorse monarchy and herd morality. 1/3

It talks about how equality is bad but people should be judged based on individual virtue, but if you look at a list of Aristotelian virtues, they're not objective at all.
They are: wisdom, justice, fortitude, courage, liberality, magnificence, magnanimity, and temperance.
Simply take justice. If justice were objective, then we wouldn't need judges or juries. The evidence would be submitted into a AI program which would always determine the just sentence, but it isn't because it isn't. 2/3

The other virtues are equally unobjective, and THAT is the problem with saying morality is objective because of virtue, because virtue isn't objective either.
What the video endorses is herd morality, which is Christian morality, which is based on God, which of course isn't any more objective than the Aztec's morality which includes human sacrifice, based on their own God.
Watch this video debunking the moral argument for God by Anticitizen X: 3/3

@Tfmonkey I find that most people think about what causes the problem a lot, but don't spend as much brain power on the solution when they're looking for a solution that will be acceptable by their moral standards.

@Tfmonkey IE: They don't want the right solution. They want the "solution" they like.

@The_New_Jupiter It's because the current moral climate promotes equality, and thus endorses the very problem they're complaining about, but if they point out that equality is the problem, they're a ___ist ___ist ___ist ___phobe.


I found that channel through his Star Trek vs. Dune video.

The guy is indeed an absolutist monarchist. And he does amazing criticisms of equality and its ideologies, but retards out at the end.

@kaiservenom Mencious Moldbug is the same way. Brilliant critiques against Democracy, Progressivism, Equality, etc.

Then his solution is having a bunch of city-states ruled by CEO Kings like Mr House in Fallout New Vegas?

@Tfmonkey Funny you bring this video up, as it reminds me of another video.

While the talk about equality is not the main focus of the video, there is one point in the video where the reviewer is critical of how the show brings up the ideas of communism. Namely, he thinks that it does not properly critique communism. Which of course is retarded, because wouldn't you know it, Amon acts just like every other communist leader by exploiting equality in order to gain power.

@Tfmonkey 59 minutes is a little long he should cut some of the fat out,Most peoples attention span for videos as Sandman has figured out is 8 to 10 minutes.

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