
Once upon a time, a man felt he was entitled to the most desirable and highest-paying jobs, so he would lie on his resume in order to get interviews.

He always failed the interview and was never hired, but he refused to apply for a normal entry-level job because it was beneath him.

After a few years, nobody would even call him in for interviews anymore and he became bitter, blaming Capitalism and greedy business owners for his unemployment.

He faked an illness and went on disability. The End.

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@Tfmonkey Why I have to spend 50+ years working to get my own land AND roof while my grandparents AND parents got it basically for free or just 5 year working I wont support this explotation System I Will take advantage of The System to prepare to The inevitable Collapse I wont be a Wageslave to support single moms AND corrupt Politians AND Alphabet Agencies

@VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey - free for 5 years work... I'm thinking that's homesteading? 🤔

To be fair, I wouldn't call that free, exactly. The land was often contested by indians. It wouldn't cost money, but homesteaders had to deal with the occasional raid, and sometimes it cost lives. 🫗


When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice right in your eyes.

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