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@ButtWorldsMan I am only writing because you said you were "waiting" for my response.

This conversation is no longer about the subject, and is no getting into definitions of pain versus suffering, the nature of suffering, mental image, etc.

It's obviously none of you have the desire or capacity to have the actual conversation, and want to quibble about inconsequential shit.

Thus I stopped responding to everyone. Feel free to continue to pat yourselves on the back for wasting my time.

@ButtWorldsMan I don't pull the lever if they're strangers. Not my problem.

If people I know and like are on the tracks, I pull the lever to save them, regardless of how many strangers I sacrifice. Sucks to be them.

If different people are tied to different tracks, I save those who I care about more.

I would push the fat guy onto the track just because.

@RoninGrey There are drugs which can induce different states of consciousness, but they often dull your reason so you can't communicate what you're experiencing and you sound like a retard.

I thought about being a teacher once, but it's too political and the pay is dogshit. Plus fuck the government.

@ButtWorldsMan The practical application is the the false sense of "I" is the cause of all your suffering, but you do you.

@ButtWorldsMan except, no. You cannot know "you are" simply because thinking is occurring.

Who is thinking? How do you know "you" are a singular "I" or not?

The saying "I think therefore I am" makes a lot of unquestioned assumptions.

I'm not the first one to point this out. Nietzsche did as well:

TL;DR "Without our authorization or permission, the thinking happens, after which we latch onto it and claim it as our own."

@ButtWorldsMan The thought experiment is about "the self", which you cannot see, but which you experience in every moment.

Try to come up with a better thought experiment.

@ButtWorldsMan the purpose of a thought experiment isn't a puzzle you "solve", it's there to put you into a mental state of mind to think of something in a different way.

BTW, you're describing the principle of Incorrigibility:

Imagine living in a world where you're the only human and there are no reflective surfaces.

How would you know you had a head? You would see through your eyes, breath and eat with your mouth, touch your hair and face, etc. But you would have no "proof" your head existed because while you had constant direct experience of your head performing its functions, you would have no 3rd party objective confirmation that you had a head at all.

How does the knower know itself outside of its experience?

@sickburnbro If she doesn't want to talk to you before the date, she's not interested. If you have chemistry you should be chatting or talking on the phone prior to the date to "get to know each other". The date is just a pretext to get together and enjoy an activity together.

Going out to dinner is a horrible date. You just sit there and eat the food that's brought to you. What are you learning about this person? Nothing.

Dating has become prostitution without the self awareness.

@PraxisOfEvil If there is going to be a civil war, why not make it as easy as possible.

I don't want competent soldiers shooting at me. I want to see the soldiers holding their gun sideways with their pants around their knees while the female soldiers are having a panic attack in the corner and the tranny soldiers are already suffering 42% casualties before first contact.

@FinalDresdonation @ButtWorldsMan I don't understand why people give me $5 to ask me questions when I'm right here for free.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta "You might be fucking my wife, but I have the marriage certificate, buddy!"

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