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@zebuceta @rohrkrepierer @ButtWorldsMan @sardonicsmile I agree, but what I'd saying is that girls saying "ice cream yum" for money is better than selling nudes, so I don't know what people are complaining about.

This is much more wholesome than Onlyfans.

@greentext this is actually VERY simple.

Realize that the "bloat" come from all the windows updates. When windows was "new" it ran fine on these older machines.

So you just refresh windows with factory settings, and turn off windows updates, and tell the Karen to NEVER update windows because the updates are what's slowing her computer down.

If she's worried about viruses, there are anti-virus programs that will cause less issues that the fucking windows updates.

@sardonicsmile @ButtWorldsMan Women are objects for men's pleasure. At least saying "ice cream yum" isn't as bad as making porn.

@ButtWorldsMan It's a woman on the internet. Cringe is to be expected.

@Moon you're not missing much. The abyss is so wide and loose you can't even feel anything.

@ButtWorldsMan I'm aware of this. It's actually pretty wholesome. They're basically a human tamagotchi that says/does something in response to emojis.

Isn't this better than girls selling their nudes and being sex workers? What are people complaining about?

@Wopu leten is the best brand I can recommend. Here is their SRP. I reviewed it years ago so the the coupon code doesn't work, so here is an Ali Express link

@Mr_Mister they say when you turn the lights off and post "faggot faggot faggot" while holding a candle at midnight, your FBI agent will reach his hands through your screen and jerk you off.

I thought today was Saturday. Luckily I didn't have any meetings today, but holy shit! I think I need to start taking my lions mane mushroom again. My insomnia is causing me to lose track of what day of the week it is again.

The only reason I realized it was Friday was because I was preparing for my livestream and I was wondering why my alarm didn't go off.

@Humpleupagus I choose to combine my top two guesses into one word: friggoms.

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