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@ButtWorldsMan I don't think they've thought it through how putting genocide back on the menu as morally acceptable will boomerang back on them.

@inertia That's easy. Israel is dependent on support for the US, and the US is tapped out due to Ukraine, and so the Muslims saw the first opportunity they've had in decades to strike a blow to Israel while the US was too weak to back them up.

They may have counted their chickens before they've hatched, but there are responses to Israel throughout the region.

@ButtWorldsMan Mass immigration is weakening the West, but notice that the ruling class is using it to take more power for themselves and restrict the people's freedom more.

Oh, can't have protests anymore, because of terrorism.

Here, let's let black people commit crime with impunity because racism.

Oops, we need to disarm you because of the crime problem.

Weakening the country and seizing power within the country are not mutually exclusive.

@Twothousandshadows the secret is that I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone out of some egotism. I just want to understand the problem(s) and find practical solutions, which not only benefits me, but others as well.

How does ego benefit me? It doesn't, it only blinds you and prevents you from solving problems.

The Nazis aren't wrong that the Palestinians will be imported into Western countries and weaponized against the native population if they don't push Israel's shit in.

Also, due to this conflict, the FBI are (once again) more worried about Islamic terrorist instead of Trump supporters, at least for now.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, but I certainly hope they fuck my enemy's shit up while I sit back and watch from a distance.

@LibsoftiktokBot girls just need to go to the gym and gain more confidence.

@sickburnbro we did the same thing in the Civil War. Sherman's March including the burning of towns and the rape and murder of women and children.

... but we freed the slaves, so it's okay.

@thor have you tried green tea? I hate coffee and black tea, and used to drink a lot of diet soda as a result, but I do enjoy green tea.

Green chai tea is delicious.

@Paulyfrog64 @graf it's probably a real charred body but so what?

"Hamas cut the heads off of 40 babies!"

"Show us proof."

"Here is a picture of a single dead child that clearly has a head with the face blurred out."

"Where are the headless babies?"

"Here is a picture of another single charred child with a head as well."

"Where are the headless babies?"

@scarlet @ImperialAgent that may be true for you and perhaps the circles you run in, but most people have difference words for the ideology and the organizational infrastructure associated with that ideology.

It's like the difference between believing in Feminism versus being a member of the National Organization for Women, or other politically organized Feminist groups.

@scarlet @rohrkrepierer I see what you're saying, but nationalism tends to refer to recognizable countries with defined borders. I know there is this concept of racial nationalism, but most people are nationalistic are defined by a country, not a people.

That's why I said ethnic, but I could have said racial nationalism, or tribalism.

Definitions are muddled because race-based nationalism is associated with racism (probably by design) and it tend to make people defensive and obstruct dialogue.

@scarlet @ImperialAgent It's not just people who believe in progressivism, it's the INFRASTRUCTURE: the governments and non-government agencies, the foundations and "think tanks", the international bodies like the World Economic Forum, etc.

@philosophy 1. Leftists have LONG supported Palestinians, and never been cracked down on like this before. None of the Palestinian-supporting Leftists support Putin either.

2. Again, this doesn't apply to Progressives traditionally. It's usually the Right that supports Israel, while the Left supports Palestine.

3. No, it was a universal crackdown. They're arresting protestors throughout Europe and Canada and treating them like Trump supporters.

@VooDooMedic yes, but I still don't support fascism or want a fumo doll.

@rohrkrepierer @ChristiJunior This isn't about collective blame, it's just an observation of the ruling class, which is willing to break it's own ideological lines to protect and promote Jews, evening attacking their own who are actually acting along progressive principles.

If you have some alternative explanation that fits the facts and behaviors on display, then by all means let me know.

@ImperialAgent @rohrkrepierer maybe, and maybe turning "New World Order" into a WCW wresting faction in the early 2000s was motivated by and accomplished the same thing. Who can say?

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