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Let me elaborate on my previous post:

It's a matter of observation. This Israel-Hamas war has pitted Communists like BLM (who hate Israel for ideologically consistent reasons) against Jews (who support Israel while being Leftists by employing self-serving double-standards).

Who did the entire Cathedral side with? It sided with the Jews rather than Communists. It even made BLM take back their support of Palestine.

It can't be about Communism primarily, it MUST be Jews

@ButtWorldsMan I'm losing weight again. I still have 7 more lbs to lose before I'm back to where I was a few weeks ago, but the scale is moving in the right direction again.

I'm not 100% sure what happened. Maybe I was gaining muscle since my clothes feel looser, or maybe it was water weight. Who can say?

@rohrkrepierer Jews are disproportionately represented in the ruling class, but I assumed that their bond was more ideological than ethnic, and while I've known Leftists who employ double-standards to defend Israel, many other Leftists hate Israel for purely ideologically consistent reasons.

Seeing the entire Progressive establishment treat its own side like Trump supporters on this one issue because Israel is threatened proves that the bond is indeed more ethnic than ideological.

@ImperialAgent The Progressive Infrastructure throughout the West. It's a term created by Mencius Moldbug. It's a well known term among the Reactionary Right.

Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.

@JoePrich I was promised decapitated babies, and I'm given one baby which clearly has a head, and could have been killed indirectly./accidently by anything.

I'm assuming that since this is all they have to show that the decapitated babies story is confirmed to be complete bullshit.

@ButtWorldsMan Israel is now the new Ukraine, and they're about to genocide the Palestinians with American fingerprints all over it.

Hopefully the Islamic terrorists target government buildings and not innocent people.

@dander @VooDooMedic remember that time we started a war with Russia and got our ass kicked? Let's do that again!

@TornadoOfTerror maybe they think that by pushing Germany to the other side, their bad world war luck will rub off on BRICS.

@shortstories @dander @VooDooMedic yeah, let me get my peer reviewed source that proves missiles can't hit something moving at Mach 5.

@dander @shortstories @VooDooMedic Perhaps. I'm sure America will nuke whoever is responsible, so they may be some behind-the-scenes conversations to avoid MAD.

@shortstories @dander @VooDooMedic no defense system can defend against hypersonic missiles. They're too fast for a radar to track.

@dander @Engineer they would just commit suicide if they were about to be arrested in order to avoid the torture, but they would still rape and kill children because they have no victimless outlet.

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