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@Deuces @VooDooMedic male superiority is a social construct. These women who are losing have internalized misogyny and white supremacy.

@Forestofenchantment It requires the ability to understand abstractions, which most women with IQs above 100 can't understand.

I don't think it's a matter of IQ per se, but thinking over feeling. Those who feel rather than think have an impossible time with abstract concepts like per capita.

@AngryWraith He's not wrong. America as we know it is run by Jews to the benefit of Jews and to the determent of the American people.

@Monsignor_DickFace well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.

I largely agree with this, but they're overlooking BRICS, de-dollarization, and hyperinflation.

How is the government going to pay for its mercenaries?

@VooDooMedic Fascists' needs to learn that when they have no power isn't the time to purity test your allies.

@realman543 It said my username and password was invalid and my account was terminated, but it looks like the server was simply unreachable.

The VPN works again . . . so we will do the show this evening. (7pm PST, 10pm EST)

Buddha teaches us not to be trapped by our suffering. If one tree in the garden is sick, you must tend to it, but don't let it take away from the other healthy trees around you.

You may have suffering in your heart, but don't let it overcome the other joys that you have in your life.

no stream today, my VPN account was terminated for some reason, and I'm waiting for the problem to be resolved by AMR.

If it gets resolved quickly, maybe I'll do the stream this evening. If not . . . see you on Saturday.

@YeetLibs - be small minority in a white majority country.

- white people accuse you of being violent criminals and want you to leave.

- poison their pets to "scare them to leave you alone"

@Mr_Mister He's diagnosing the disease but doesn't want to prescribe the cure.

@PNS The reason it's $450 per ticket is because they were hoping to recoup the cost of the wedding by making everyone else pay for it by charging them.

$450 goes FAR beyond paying for what you would spend attending a wedding (i.e. food, cake, etc.) These idiots were hoping to have a lavish wedding and get everyone else to pay for it.

The fact that they expected their black relatives to have that kind of money makes the story even more absurd.

@[email protected] do a thing now where they take the body and combine it was compost and a baby tree, and you can plant the tree which will be fed by the nutrients of the compost, and instead of a tombstone, you have a tree to continue the cycle of life.

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