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@Scubbie what if I told you that a blockchain token doesn't confer legal ownership and has no legal weight whatsoever?

@Zeb better than being remembered for photoshopping smiles on Captain Marvel.

@kaiservenom it was a minor point used as an example on an academic agent stream about cultural symbols

@Justicar You can be my "dummy account". Go ahead and contact everyone and put them in touch with me using all the platforms I'm banned from.

@Justicar I've been banned from all the known social networks.

@Justicar Cool, I'm open to talk to anyone, so if he's willing to talk to someone with a sex doll, I'm game.

@cowanon he's lucky he wasn't falsely accused of rape for rejecting a fatty. That's what ruined Tubuscus's career.

@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic The Right will sign up to die for Israel after Trump is elected.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic The Regime will use up every Europhile Eastern European to hurt Russia. It's only money to them. Your lives mean nothing. You're pawns to be used up and sacrificed for Moloch.

@Avdol10 Also some countries didn't give their women rights at the same time, with some not giving women rights until the 70s well after industrialization and the invention of the birth control pill.

They'll willfully ignorant because they know that calling the problem by its name will get them labelled sexists and they won't get their pee pee touched.

@marlathetourist No, it's not crippling anymore. You just need to take lots of Aleve (Naproxen Sodium)

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