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@mutageno I don't know how to say this without coming off like an asshole, but men shouldn't need fictional stories to grasp abstract concepts.

Women and children often need stories to "teach" them about morals and philosophical concepts because their brains can't grasp the abstract without something "real" to ground it for for them.

Note that Ayn Rand wrote a bunch of fiction books to demonstrate her philosophy. This is not a coincidence.

@mutageno Thank you. I need to remember the term next time because it's a fantastic example of the media pushing narrative over profits even all the way back in the 60s and 70s.

I've shilled his series before, but this was an especially good chapter in the "Awakening to the Meaning Crisis" series by John Vervaeke.

@basedbagel I recommend going to college online and in the evenings for a fraction of the price and getting a job during the day and getting some experience in your chosen industry instead of chasing college pussy and having gay dudes hit on you.

@basedbagel There aren't even that many gay people in the country, so you are likely going to gay hangouts in the first place if you're getting hit on my men.

If you're into penis, go enjoy some penis. Cherish the man ass. Just watch out for AIDS, tapeworms, and monkeypox.

TFM Website:
MGTOW.TV and others can’t consistently handle huge audiences of 1,000+. If one site is lagging or buffering, try the other one and balance out the viewers between the different platforms.

Week 2 update: I am still permanently suspended from Twitter for photoshopping smiles on Captain Marvel in 2019.

@freerangefornicator the only stem women should be in are flower stems in their garden while they cook and clean and stay thin for their husbands.

@VeganBob Disney Star Wars never happened. Star Wars ended after the prequels.

I'm pro-choice.

I believe in the right to murder parasites who threaten my freedom and lifestyle.

@37712 @PapaPole turning everyone into AI controlled drones in definitely easier than getting men to tell women "no".

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