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@[email protected] George Washington be like "Behold, the reason the country I gave you sucks now".

@rainignterror1080p Yes, but they're only sex doll hybrids who can only hope to aspire to the purity of the blessed perfection of a true sex doll.

@pyrate @PapaPole @houseoftolstoy @furgar @WashedOutGundamPilot boomer managers often call meetings to justify their own existence because it looks like work when it's really just sitting around and talking.

The sooner the boomers retire and/or die (whichever comes first) the better off the world will be.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @PapaPole @houseoftolstoy @furgar I think Facebook bought Oculus to try and diversify their brand, and should have just kept the two separate rather than try to merge them into some Ready Player One fantasy that turned into a shittier and more expensive version of VR Chat without any of the fun memes.

@PapaPole love is a means to an end. It facilitates survival and reproduction, but when you consider the different roles men and women play in reproduction, it wouldn't make sense for "love" to work the same for both.

You don't necessarily want to "fix" women, as it could have disasters evolutionary consequences.

Women were actually fine for millennia, so perhaps the answer is more obvious and achievable than first imagined. Perhaps the problem is our assumptions about gender equality itself.

@furgar It would have been funny if a bunch of Ugandan Knuckles showed up and started spitting on everyone.

I propose that women who get cosmetic plastic surgery be called "sex doll hybrids" going forward.

@Economic_Hitman @sjw buying a sex toy for someone is usually reserved for intimate relationships and "gag gifts" for office parties.

@basedbagel @[email protected] Honestly it isn't really worth arguing about. There isn't going to be a race war, but the cities will become killing fields when the hyperinflation occurs. That, or the government will go full CCP and cull the criminals themselves.

All roads lead to the same outcome more or less. The sins of "equality" will be burned away one way or another.

@[email protected] @basedbagel Funny you should bring up Rwanda, because they have one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and have embraced Capitalism, and are one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

@VeganBob The irony of you DMing me on Merovingian Club to let me know Merovingian Club works again is not lost on me.

@basedbagel If you cut welfare and shot the rioters, there would be a disproportionate amount of black people among the dead. However the problem is welfare, not black people.

If you impaled all the communists, there would be a disproportionate amount of jews among the dead. However, the problem is communism, not jews.

Some see no difference between the two, but it makes all the difference.

@Shlomo I don't understand why these people don't just take the money and do a shitty job.

@37712 @sardonicsmile That's from the old discord server that was shut down years ago. I don't even think I have a copy of that anymore.

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