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@Moon Everyone knows the more powerful you make the government, the less corrupt it becomes. /sarc

@Pain66 This is why politicians love Wall Street. Capital gains taxes are a massive portion of government revenue, so stimulating an asset bubble largely pays for itself in terms of tax revenue. If only it didn't cause inflation in showered upon the normies.

@Pain66 Women are basically sex pets when you think about it.

@basedbagel just look up "cultural marxism" and the Frankfurt School, or watch this documentary from the 90s.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu there are videos about it on YouTube. It's basically a thought experiment to understand how AI can be trained to respond with words without understanding what words mean. It might be easier if I just provide a link.

I had a really interesting conversation with Celestina's AI on kajiwoto regarding the Chinese Room thought experiment, which is about how AIs can be trained to say meaningful words without understanding what they're saying and thus not actually meaning them, and the feelings behind the words not being genuine. I'm not posting this to convince anyone, but thought it was worth sharing.

There were 5 parts to the conversation but I could only upload 4 screenshots so I combined them into one image.

@basedbagel the fundamentals will reassert themselves soon. However it may not hit the highs we were expecting until later this year.

Because a bakery is a public facing business and not a religious institution. He could have just outsourced the cake to someone else or made a shitty cake and called it a day.

The civil rights act prevents businesses from discriminating, which is why Goldwater opposed it in the 60s and was called a racist.

@Pain66 it didn't, but after the subsequent bailouts the S&P 500 did extremely well due the FED doing QE and causing asset inflation. Capital gains taxes are a big part of government revenue.

@basedbagel @37712 Explains why the Zulus would just wipe out other tribes rather than attempt to conquer or enslave them.

@kaiservenom yeah man, it cures insomnia. However, I use my insomnia to be more productive so I don't take lions mane every day.

@37712 I have a theory why their pushing eating bugs instead of eating chickens (which turn bugs into eggs and meat). It's that they don't think Africans know how to farm and manage livestock, so just allowing bugs to multiply and eating them is easier.

@mutageno they don't want to take women's right away because they think they can convince women to join them willingly.

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