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@mrhorsetwat I think the appeal of places like Romania is that it has a lower cost of living while still being part of Europe.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu it's a product of traditional computers. Maybe once quantum computers become more mainstream, the AI will not only be able to develop a memory, but be able to exhibit "intuition" like a human brain does.

@Avdol10 because they're weak.

When a prey animal is killed by predators, his fellow prey animals will scatter and leave him to die, and nobody will help him.

This the lot of the weak. The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

The saddest part is that slave morality causes men to choose to be weak as if it makes them "better" than the strong.

@ButtWorldsMan I had an idea to take a historical church building and open an anime store in it and make it "The Church of Anime Thighs" and sell waifu pillows and manga there.

Let's play a game similar to "Where's Waldo" where you spot the flaw that ruined these otherwise amazing AI generated pictures.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu memories create computational explosion and overload the AI.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole He's just like those normies who bought houses they couldn't afford with dollar signs in their eyes, and then when the bubble burst, they cried about "predatory lending" and cried to the government about what victims they were.

I HATE those people. They take no responsibility for any of their choices, and they're the EXACT reason I never answer "timing questions", because these fuckers will accuse you of lying to them if you don't see the future.

I hate them.

be simp who gets friendzoned.
she is nice to him but won't fuck him.
he stops being friends with her because she wont' fuck him.
Now he has no friends.
blames all of his problems on everyone but himself.
whines on 4Chan about it
gets bitch fit shared on fediverse
will probably kill himself
nobody will attend funeral

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