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@ButtWorldsMan not bad, but the art style doesn't do it for me. It looks like a DreamWorks movie.

@Pain66 they're two sides of the same coin. It's like good cop/bad cop.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan of course going to the gym for hours a day and cutting calories results in weight loss, but what if ... and here me out ... this might sound crazy ... but what if I don't have time to go to the gym all day and I have to rely on calorie restriction and supplements?

Mind blowing isn't it?

What if I also like to give my audience an update about my progress (or lack thereof) to help them in their own situations?

But I'm just bitching because I'm a woman I guess.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan wrong again. I didn't ask for anything. The doctor in question came to me because he heard me complaining on the show about how my weight loss has stalled. He then proceeded to hype up his amazing plan which turned out to be boomer tier bullshit.

One of us is acting like a woman who hears what they want to hear.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan I'm not bitching about my insomnia. I'm complaining about useless boomer-tier weight loss advice.

Seeing what's happening in Israel makes me wonder what might happen to the illegally US occupied land in Syria.

@DoubleD she's a good waifu, but she belongs to someone else, and even if he offered to share her with you, that's gross.

As a guy, who asked 3 separate doctors about my insomnia, I can provide you with the most specialized expert advice. All 3 doctors asked me this question. And it did change my life 

@LukeAlmighty I don't drink coffee at all. I have green tea in the morning.

My insomnia can be treated by taking lions mane mushroom, but I choose not to take it because I use my insomnia to be productive.

Some doctor and fitness expert recently told me that I just need to stop having insomnia, work out for several hours a day, and eat less, and I'd lose all the weight I wanted.

Yeah, no fucking shit.

Did you also know that if you're poor you just need to make more money and spend less, and then you won't be poor? Genius!

Also, if you just become a rich and good looking, you'll get all the women you want. What are you waiting for?

This is boomer tier advice. Give my dick a firm handshake.

@Pain66 what annoys me is how much these reactionary right Christians piss and moan about liberals and modernity, but won't take women's rights away.

Don't belive in Jesus? Kill them!

Destroy civilization by empowering women? Blame everything other than women, and continue to support their empowerment.

@Twothousandshadows America losing in Ukraine will completely change the world order. A lot of countries no longer fear America because their economic and military weapons failed against Russia.

So now wars will break out everywhere, and there isn't anything anyone can do to stop them except let them fight.

@Pain66 this is the insidious nature of word magic. Nihilism means belief in nothing, but Christians redefined nihilism to be any rejection of "traditional morality" (i.e. Christian morality). Look it up in a dictionary if you think I'm lying.

This is why Nietzche is a "nihilist" to these people despite his philosophy warning about nihilism and offering itself as a solution.

Thus the result of this word magic is for Christians to kill non-Christians as a "counter-arguement" for nihilism.

@shortstories the vast majority of men would kill themselves before they would "snap back" against a corrupt system.

If what you were saying were true, the family court would have been burned to the ground a thousand times over.

@rohrkrepierer is the campaign and party built around ship combat and underwater combat? If not, treat the ship like a mode of "fast travel" and don't worry about planning anything around ship events.

You could run a "lost city" campaign on an island rumored to hold treasure.

@shortstories @Wopu well that proves once again that the problem isn't that people are stupid, but that they are weak.

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