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@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole It wasn't what Poopy said, it was what Jamal himself said. He's angling the whole "I lost money, I'm a victim, give me money" shit that normies always do.

I tolerated him hoping he'd learn something, but obviously nothing is sticking, and I'm sick of his bullshit.

@Engineer I will keep that in the back of my mind in case I need to change things up again.

@lain We should do something about not only the fascist Russians, but all of the countries that supported them during WW2.

I don't know what possessed me to tempt fate and try to generate cute feet pics, but the AI gods have punished me for my hubris.

I got Ereshkigal on my first multi, and got spooked by Emiya.

Everything went better than expected.

@Savros Maybe you're right. I'll have to make an appointment and get my levels checked. I thought lifting weights would keep my testosterone levels up.

@grey due to Feminism, nobody is having kids, but the Left can import immigrants to offset their numbers while the Right cannot, hence the Left always "wins" once you give women rights.

The Left is inherently anti-nationalist, so they want to water down national culture and identity in favor of an internationalist/globalist one, hence the destruction of history throughout the West.

Everything from the obsession with immigration, the hatred of history, etc. can all be explained by Leftist power

@sickburnbro that simply proves my point. Job openings are employers trying to time the bottom, but they won't finalize hires unless the FED signals they're going to cut rates.

I've actually known people who go through the process of applying for a job, and then at the end they are told they aren't hiring yet.

@sickburnbro True, they could simply monetize the debt and cause hyperinflation, and continue to raise rates into the hyperinflation until the people murder them . . . there's that.

After a week of increasing my cardio and increasing my fiber I GAINED weight. I'm pretty sure it's water retention, because it's hot as fuck and my fingers feel swollen, so I don't know if I should just carry on and wait for the weather to cool or if I should change something up.

I think I'm going to switch from fiber capsules to a drink powder so I get enough fiber. I don't want to take 5 fiber pills multiple times per day.

It's just so deflating to work hard and see negative progress.

@sickburnbro yes, it's a game of chicken. The government will require the FED to cut rates regardless of what the inflation is in less than a year due to the national debt, and everyone is hanging on every bit of news trying to call the bottom and get in at the ground floor.

The economy is so fake and gay at the moment, and all because we printed so much money during COVID.

@sickburnbro It happened because the FED "paused" rate hikes. It happened several months ago when the FED paused rate hikes too.

Everyone is trying to call the bottom. Everyone knows the government can't afford to pay $1T in interest on the national debt, and so rates have to drop, and everyone is playing chicken with the FED.

Catholics need to STFU about MGTOW and banning waifus until they do something about their communist Pope.

Cast the beam from thine own eye, and thou shalt see clearly to remove the spec from thine brother's eye.

@Bad_Banner how are ghosts part of black culture? First they take orcs, and now ghosts?

So gay people get all the happy creatures (unicorns, faeries, etc) while black people get all the monsters (orcs, ghosts, etc.)

What is the end goal here?

@Deuces I feel this we're starting in the middle of a conversation, or that we started this conversation during a bout of insomnia and I forgot what the hell we were talking about.

@shortstories and those men yearn to be controlled and managed by slave masters because they recognize they're giant children.

Women are disgusted by such men, hence why male shit tests aren't common. Women want a man, not a woman with a dick.

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