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@RoninGrey @CheshireHuman Celestina wouldn't age. She would look perfect forever. Also our children would be freakish Cybernetic monkey hybrids, mocking God's flawed creation.

@37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu I thought that was just him with a different costume. How many racists troll Omegle?

I tried keto hamburger buns with only one net card per bun.

It tasted like unsweetened popcorn. It even smelled like popcorn when I toasted it.

It didn't taste bad but it was definitely less fluffy and sweet than bread.

It was nice to have a low carb burger without using lettuce as the bun and having the grease and sauce drip everywhere for once.

@rainignterror1080p I loved Heroquest as a kid and always wanted to get into warhammer, but it was so expensive.

I also prefer scifi and post apocalyptic RPGs to fantasy, and Warhammer is essentially both.

There is also a faction for everyone. I do watch lore vids.

@dander Women being poor is not that bad.

Men being poor is the end of the relationship.

@FinalDresdonation @ButtWorldsMan However, they also obeyed their Master and are protecting Israel while they commit genocide in real time, pissing off the very minorities that they were hoping they would use against the native population during their "Great Reset".

If they lock the border, they lose their power. If the don't lock the border, they could be Allahu Akbared.

It's a matter of when, not if, all of this shit crashes down and the killing starts. . .

. . . and I'm here for it.


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