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@Shlomo it looks like trump getting elected hasn't scared Russia the way the regime hoped

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I hope you realize these "bigots" truly want what's best for you

@PinochetsCommieCopter propaganda like this made me racist.

I was taught in public school that all races are the same, and the reason why certain races never developed technology or civilization is due to geographical circumstance.

Which is bullshit. White people create civilization wherever they go. They build cities in tundras and deserts, places that are inhospitable.

Yet niggas in Sub-Saharan africa can't figure out how to farm in 2024.

@SirAnthony @eriner

governments are the primary instigator of all this

they changed the definition of gender dysphoria so it would no longer be considered a mental illness.

The federal governments across the western world support making males more feminine. Because feminine men are easy to control and won't overthrow them.

In Canada, the Federal gov provides up to 75,000$ to Gov employees that want to change their sex. All countries in the western sphere of influence are like this

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Great idea. Let me fire up my time machine and stop the boomer rats from shipping all our manufacturing overseas real quick.
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Foids in the office are like niggers in the alley way. Disruptive, obnoxious and a disaster waiting to happen.
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Fire the foids.

They need to be at home, serving their husband.

@Wiz @Goalkeeper that's only because most of their work can be finished in 2-3 hours realistically.

These retarded office jobs are mostly busy work. There's no reason to be there for 8 hours, so a lot of your "job" is just looking busy.

This is why remote work is good. It exposes how pointless many of these office jobs really are.

Putting people back in an office serves no purpose besides keeping the retard machine running

Also forcing people to commute into crime infested cities is gay

@VooDooMedic @Mr_Mister luckily Canada is not a nuclear power, so my country is technically not a target if ww3 ever takes off (Australia is in the same boat).

Having a weak military has a few upsides I suppose.

@Mr_Mister @VooDooMedic

If he presses the button won't you be vaporized though?

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@charliebrownau @VooDooMedic in order to do that without society collapsing you'd have to abolish the welfare state and take women's rights away to raise the white birthrates above replacement.

I'm ready when you are.

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Remember when Halsey bragged about how the IDF crush Hezbollah, pushed them back to the Litani River, and Hezbollah was defeated?

Remember when I said that wasn't true and Hezbollah was pushing the IDF back and inflicting significant casualties?

Today, the IDF bragged about making it a whole 3 miles into Lebanon before being pushed back. the Litani River is 20 miles from the Lebanese border.

The IDF is NOT winning. They are just airstriking civilians.

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My Representative folks. She's a piece of shit.

This cunt purposely applied to The Citadel for the purpose of destroying males spaces. Now she's upset that women's spaces are being destroyed.

Just like that Riley swimmer girl.
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