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@breaker @freepatriot there is a shorter version and a longer version. the longer version is endorsed by the British Government and the Holocaust Memorial Trust.

The only difference is one teensy weensy line that's omitted from the shorter version.

Please note that saying that there are multiple versions of the quote does not mean the longer version is inauthentic, only that the shorter version is more well known, and I think we both know why that is.

Now fuck off.

ToyotaTime boosted

@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile I've never had a problem with Indian immigrants my entire life until recently. They tend to be similar to asians and are polite, hard working and law-abiding.

the problem is the Leftist governments started taking the bottom of the barrel from India because things haven't worked out as expected with the Africans and Middle Eastern immigrants, but they need to protect their welfare state and feminism.

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@VooDooMedic @sardonicsmile Rajasthan (the rape capital of India) happens to be the ancestral birthplace of the gypsies. Mystery solved.

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'member when histrionic feminists were losing their shit over pink razors being more expensive?
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@ChristiJunior does his friend at least get points for being Aryan?

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It would also be easier to avoid infighting if white Nationalists would stop insisting Eastern/Southern/Balkan Europeans are not white.

All Europeans are white. Anyone who says otherwise is a jew or is just retarded.

No more brother wars and all that.

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@Suiseiseki @Nudhul

The image I used is not important. Just a meme to get the point across.

In reality, if someone wants to learn how to use Linux, they should watch YouTube videos. Plenty of Linux youtube content is kept current.

Point is, people shouldnt complain about windows being retarded if your going to just keep using it for everything.

Unless public outcry leads to a government response, forcing the BS to stop. That's an option I guess.

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I used to be a redditor, so I know, redditors think they are smart due to subreddits being complete echo chambers.

you never have to interact with people who oppose your opinions. Instead, you hangout in a subreddit with thousands of other likeminded NPCs that constantly pat each other on the back about how intelligent and informed they are.

This is further compounded by power hungry mods that can ban "wrongthinking" users with impunity. So discourse has no chance to foster.

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