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>Security updates for Windows 10 are being sundowned.
Microsoft is now holding me at gunpoint to move to Windows 11 within the next year. I hate the antichrist.
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@Hoss I sat next to this woman on a flight from FLL to SAN and for 4 hours she unloaded on me about her marriage falling apart and her divorce and how bad her ex-husband was, bla bla bla, constantly saying how she hated men and how men suck and how she doesn't need a man or men in her life. But she's talking to me, a man, and also telling me about how wonderful and amazing her father is. Women get a pass to casually spew incel-level rhetoric against men and it's considered like "okay" or whatever. Like, we're just supposed to "get it" and accept being casually denigrated, often times to our faces (albeit by proxy in this example). I kept thinking to myself that if I was saying the same things she was saying about men, but about women, and to a woman, how I'd be loudly corrected and called out and pointed out as some misogynist incel or whatever to the entire flight. Whatever. @Morghur @justnormalkorean @cowanon @lethn

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@gav @Rwoeidk

AH, but at least Albanians are Europeans.

The higher your alcohol tolerance, the more white you are.

Shqipëria mundi osmanët

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@justnormalkorean washing chicken is also common in Asia.

The tradition comes from back when people bought chicken from open markets. This chicken would be covered in dirt and other crap because open air markets were dirty.

So washing chicken used to be necessary. Not so much today though.

@shortstories Turkey has many types of ethnicities in it.

There are a few white ethnicities in turkey. But turkey is mostly Arabic. And it's definitely not a European country.


To be fair, this is just how nature designed males and females.

You see this in animals like chimpanzees as well. Nature designed women to be completely dependant on men, and also be the bottleneck of reproduction

Nature designed men to be protectors and providers. That's why males are the stronger and smarter sex. Men are programmed to sacrifice for women and children, it's in a man's nature to provide, protect and sacrifice

So what I'm saying is, bring back the natural order

@shinichihaku women are only a pain because men can't tell them to shut the hell up.

Back in the days of patriarchy, men did not have to tolerate women's constant complaining.

Women couldn't divorce men outside of certain circumstances, sometimes just not at all.

A woman who cheated on her man was punished severely.

Every civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy. For most of history, male authority was the norm.

What will it take for men to enforce patriarchy again?

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@get ain't this guy gay? Who's he calling a fag?

@freepatriot do you believe in the Uniparty?

Republicans and Democrats both agree on all the really important shit. Like "Israel is our greatest ally" and "aid to ukrain"

They only differ tiny social issues like supporting gay buttsex.

@hindudindu turkey is in Europe.

This tiny sliver of the country is in europe.

The other 97% of turkey is in falafel land

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