@Tfmonkey I was listening to your show and you talk about how you need to have a well rounded personality and connect with peopl on their level and not make one thing your entire personality, I try to make friends with my normie coworkers but I often find a barrier when it comes to sports, I dont find it imteresting to root for a sport team, have you had an issue like this or how do you takle this situation when you are out with them and they start talking about sports and I am completly lost

@37712 @Tfmonkey
It does take a little bit of effort, but think of it like an investment in your interpersonal skills. It will make them like you more if you are a good listener and you take an interest in what they like. Yes, it is boring to listen to them talk about X, but to them, listening to you talk about Y is boring. You have to meet them on their level as TFM said if you want a relationship with them in one or more areas. I hope this helps.

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