Just a reminder if you haven't been paying attention to the controversy this last week Destiny is going genocide mode on Trump supporters after the shooting. Remember that as you read this.

@ButtWorldsMan Destiny's really deep on the way of the cuck it looks like.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo

I don't think he hates his dad as much as advertised. He's just being an edgelord. Like father like son. Hopefully being a cuck doesn't trasnfer over.

His kid needs to rebel against his parents and become a trad con.

@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo

Destiny II, The Recuckening. Lord spare us from the cringe.

One day Pewd's scion will have to do battle against the demon horde.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo


This fucking kid is already telling his dad off and opposing his libcuck propaganda. In a couple years this kid is going to wear MAGA hat and celebrate white boy summer.

@ButtWorldsMan @UncleIroh @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo moderates tend to have similarly leaning moderate children. The children of radical are usually also radical but in an unpredictable direction. I was raised by radical progressive feminists and i couldnt be a prouder misogynist
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