@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Looks like China solved the military spouses fucking around problem. Incentive to fight for their own country.
@mrhorsetwat Yes it's so nice that the most ant-like groups are being told to reproduce once again by their governments. Especially since they wouldn't be doing this if they weren't planning for war.
But of course, if you ask people who hate the West and think Russia and China are going to save everyone from a Jewish world order, they'll say this is great.
Women aren't the problem and the fact men need the government's permission to reproduce, should tell you that. Don't trust TFM's opinions.
@Based_Accelerationist @mrhorsetwat What kind of reply is this? Women are the problem when they fuck around on their husbands. What China is doing here is exactly right, jailing both the hoe and her side piece.
@Mongoliaboo @mrhorsetwat I'll explain. Women fucking around isn't THE problem, it's a consequence, like a criminal who robs an unprotected house. The solution isn't hoping the government does something, it's to man up and do it yourself, something ant-like Asians haven't done for generations.
If the government is getting tough on women, it isn't for the benefit of the men, it's because they need the men to die for them.
This isn't a good thing, it's a sign of what's to come, it's weakness.
@Based_Accelerationist @mrhorsetwat No, that is retarded. It's like arguing that crime isn't the problem, but lack of fathers is, so we shouldn't crack down on criminals. We should crack down on criminals. We should crack down on cheating whores.
You're sounding an awful lot like a salty woman:
1. "man up and do it yourself (and get buried under a prison)"
2. n-n-n-no don't punish women for anything ever!
3. n-n-n-no women can't ever be blamed, it's always men's fault!
@Mongoliaboo @mrhorsetwat I'm not arguing the crime, I'm arguing who should punish it.
Yes, WE should crack down on "cheating whores". WE should crack down on criminals. But "we" aren't the government.
If the government is doing something on your behalf, then it's because they want something from you. If the government "takes women's rights away", it's probably because you're about to die in a war.
And yes, men need to "man up". They should punish women themselves.
@Mongoliaboo @mrhorsetwat There will always be criminals, there will always be cheaters. The trick is to protect your home yourself and keep your pimp hand strong. That's what men are supposed to do, deal with the problems themselves.
Real men don't go "please Mr. Government, can you take women's rights away and make them good housewives? I can't possibly be expected to do that myself."
Again, if you can't see the difference and that one of these paths leads to subjugation, then that's on you.
@Based_Accelerationist @Mongoliaboo @mrhorsetwat
China making this law is super important because it draws a direct and useful comparison.
The US has explicitly created a system that exploits the male drive to marry and create a family. It's actively hostile to families by incentivizing wives to cheat. Structurally.
China has explicitly created the exact opposite system, choosing to support family creation over bullshit Feminist ideals.
Both are cynical, but one is objectively much worse.