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2nd passport secured and I suggest you all do the same before they roll out the vax passports

@UncleIroh @Terry He's a kike. A kike 'comedian.'

But yes, you are correct.

He is gay. A gay Jew. A gay Jewish actor. A gay Jewish actor who was installed by the US and had to learn how to speak Ukrainian because Russian is his 1st language.

He is gay. A gay Jew. A gay Jewish actor. A gay Jewish actor who was installed by the US and had to learn how to speak Ukrainian because Russian is his 1st language.

Asking the real questions.

I'm down for that every morning.

Butthole bacon and Pussy OJ with a straw? Sheeeiit.

Kitco News has been killing it lately,
especially Michelle Makori. With the recent FTX and crypto scandals, her interviews and analysis have been really impressive. Great tits too.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey @Zwei
Vervaeke's great. I've been listening to him for some time now. I can see why TFM would see something in him since he grew up in a fundamentalist Christian household, rejected that and became a Neo-Platonist.

His Meaning Crisis series is what he's most famous for but he often collabs with Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Pageau, an Orthodox Christian thinker and ikon carver.

The last thing I saw him in was awesome,

Hoffman is the shit.

Very true. The body has seasonal appetites and wants carbs and fatty meat in the winter, just as it craves fresh crisp greens and fruits in the summer.

@feathered @Pain66 @Tfmonkey
Who are we to deny her the life she so loudly wants to live?

Let her be cat food.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.