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A Modchip To Root Starlink User Terminals Through Voltage Glitching | Hackaday

[Lennert Wouters]’ team has been poking and prodding at the Starlink User Terminal, trying to get root access, and needed to bypass the ARM Trusted Firmware boot-time integrity checks. The terminal’s PCB is satellite-dish-sized, so things like laser fault injection are hard to set up – hence, they went the voltage injection route. Much poking and prodding later, they developed a way to reliably glitch the CPU into verifying a faulty firmware, and got to a root shell.

@UncleIroh @redmaple

Well said. Such a wasted opportunity smh... I really wanted to know what they talked about at the Trump dinner.

@UncleIroh I think that covers everything. The lights were too bright.

He brought in a leopard, and was hoping it would change its spots and play his kitty cat games.

Found out this morning that Kanye walked off Timcast IRL. Tim Pool is lost as to why...

Because he didn't want to have a childish conversation.

After Kanye leaves, 2 bimbos join the show and they yakie de yak. Tim Pool will always suck.

Someone in my personal life almost blew my cover on womens rights....

My disdain for normies is at an all time high.

Plans for tiktok/YT shorts channel waking people up have been scrapped.

Normies can go get boosted.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy I was never a follower of this comic but friends would send me it sometimes. And I would laugh. But this is just dreadful.

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