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Trudeau, Berenson, Soylent Crickets and a few thoughts about controlled oppo: Links 1, February 9, 2023
1. "Trudeau is as much a feminist as Hitler was a hippie"

2. Soylent Crickets

Where the movie goes off the rails, is that in Communist countries, like South Afric

“Mastodon is full of nazis or anime tiddies.” - TFM

Why not both?

I watched "Bear Grylls The Island" season 2 recently, the one where 14 British men are sent to one island and 14 British women to another.

Did not disappoint. I didn't watch all the women's episodes because it got way too annoying watching the obvious setups and the women's constant meltdowns over bullshit.

The dudes island was way more interesting. Watching them go through shit and ending up establishing civilization in 6 weeks is something every guy can feel proud of.

Since this community has a higher than average number of spergs like myself who never fell for the bullshit, what are people's thoughts?

Special shout out to the Aussies who never caved. They endured some of the longest lockdowns in the world under military-grade propaganda.


I'm still hearing normies being butthurt online about being wrong about the vaccine. Here's what commonly comes up:

* no-one could have possibly known
* it was a coin-flip
* we were lied to
* i was coerced into it
* those who knew didn't publicly speak up
* some other cope

Some people are genuinely trying to understand how they fucked up so badly by learning from those who didn't. I can't properly explain how I saw instantly what others still can't. It's more intuition than reason.


@Tfmonkey on Obesity

(Sorry about the watermark but we're on a tight budget here at bagel studios.)

Credit where it's due - Tim Pool continues to redpill the normies by having Jeff Younger on the show.

Jeff explains how the family courts work and what federal incentive structures are in place to literally create as many fatherless homes as possible.

It's taken a few decades and a budget almost as big as the defense budget to burn it all to the ground.

Anyone else been enjoying the hell out of Vinland Saga season 2? Best recent anime by a mile.

Book recommendation.

When TFM says that Feminism came from Christianity and not the Jews, he's right. More accurately, it's Protestantism.

This book has ALL the receipts - names, dates, personal stories.

"Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation" by Rachel Wilson.

Highly recommended and an easy read at 125 pages. I read it in a day.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.