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The Art of Lying works hand in glove with the Art of Gaslighting, which walks hand in hand with the Art of Unaccountability.

All 3 have to be deployed simultaneously.

When it came to the mRNA vaccines, here's what that looked like in practise.

Every day I come across evidence women, Blacks, and Liberals are hamstringing society. Hindering us from advancement.

@sardonicsmile @Wopu @UncleIroh

I respect your balanced viewpoint.

As for me who has lived with gays and had gay best friends over a decade (They never told me.) I can assure you they are mentally fractured at best.

1. Gay guys fuck too much to the point where their anus stretches out too far that they can't hold their shit.

2. They also get STD's at alarming rate

3. have higher depression/suicide rates.

4. Lesbos have the HIGHEST DV because lack of good dick drives a woman cray.▶️

@sardonicsmile @Wopu @UncleIroh

5. If you're religious you know that the God luciferians worship is a transgender.

6. Normalization of their degeneracy will be used to justify pedophilia.

7. Alot of them were abused as kids.

8. Gay guys biggest fantasy is to convert a straight man...

9. They're being used by the satanic pedo elite to push depopulation

10. Most are leftists.

For these reasons and many more I am anti-LGBT.

TIL: Under war conditions and sanctions Russia has overtaken Germany in the economic rankings and now stands at 5th in the world.

Coming to a park near you.

TIL: India's geopolitical strategy of "one foot in BRICS, one foot in the West" goes back to Nehru, India's first Prime Minister after independence in 1947.

His vision for India was one of studied neutrality between East and West - leveraging the historical trading links between China, Iran and Russia on the one hand, while benefitting from India's colonial links with Europe.

The subplot in our current shitshow is the slow pajeetification of all Western jobs, industries & areas of influence.

@basedbagel The thing to keep in mind is that legality is what makes something moral in a democracy (and probably other forms of government that make it a point to usurp any competing faiths). So, there's no way to make something "legal" while also trying keep it "morally wrong".
@Shlomo Split between their desire for jewish cum and pakistani corpses.

If anyone has watched a movie soul plane it was a prediction of the future.

Erin Moriarty, who plays Starlight in The Boys turns 30 this year.

What the fuck has she done to her face ..smh

Let's say someone does ten $5 super chats every podcast & there are 2 podcasts per week for a total of $100 per week

That is $5200 per year

They could have got the investment news letter for much cheaper instead of these super chats

Instead of spending that money on super chats they could have saved $5200 per year

Why ask personal questions like favorite food?

There job is to ask questions to create a document for a government organization describing TFMs personality & physical appearance

That's true, but that's still not a good reason to put filth in Tolkien's mouth
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.