>Why do people take plea deals if they know they're innocent with such heavy charges like rape?
Because they threaten you with spending 80 years in jail for a bunch of made-up charges they might back up with forged evidence. It would cost you millions in lawyers' fees to litigate and win.
>I'm convinced they aren't going to give women jail time for false allegations as a way to control dissenting men.
@basedbagel The part of this that works is women never being outside without their husband or a male relative supervising them. Because most rapes aren't actually rapes. It also puts a stop to adultery and feminism.
We're already on the manosphere lists. Pretty sure everyone with an online profile is.
The government doesn't need an excuse to arrest and persecute anyone, you simply have to fit the narrative of the day. Don't worry about what you can't control, everyone commits 3 crimes every day if you consider all madeup laws.
@UncleIroh @BHG You are right . Rejecting imperfect solutions is the fallacy of Nirvana .
@VeganMGTOW Vegans shouldnt vote either.
Always derailing a good thread to promote their WEF diet. 🙄
You may as well get in the pod since you already eat bugs.
Doctors are NOT your friends, the whole medical sector is corrupt and evil.
Hedonstic people who can not deny the pleasures of food do not have the discipline to rebel if it lowers their food enjoyment and can be bribed to snitch for meals
Feed them bugs and they will snitch for better quality food
Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.
Lover of anime tiddies.