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The pope covered up crosses or crucifixes in the Vatican so as not to offend special high ranking Jewish religious leaders who visited and had clergy from all over the world meet

As I already said to discuss how to dupe their followers together as a team for world domination


If someone has a Muslim father and a Jewish mother they become someone with immense power able to manipulate both Muslims and Jews. In fact they could become a Catholic Pope, set up interfaith meetings in the Vatican and rule the world from there, meeting with clergy who do not believe their own religion representing all three religions who discuss how to dupe the followers to do their bidding

Happy Halloween everyone. Have fun and stay safe. 😊

Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

I am not telling anyone to convert to the religion of the guy who made this video

Just another example of how stupid "christian" zionism is

@bronze @Wormwood I get as much use out of that screencap as I get out of this image.

(Society is so jewed that jewish argument methods are the default for almost everyone)

Stay in #math kids.

B1 + B2 + B3 = 1600
B2 = 128 + B3
B1 = 2B3

2B3 + (128 + B3) + B3 = 1600
4B3 = 1472
B3 = 368

B1 = 2*368
B1 = 736
B2 = 128 + 368
B2 = 496

736 + 496 + 368 = 1600

More Harold Wallace Rosenthal quotes

I do not know if any of these are real

Admits how Jews use anti semitism as a phrase to censor people

How they have infiltrated the Churches and academia and legal profession

Their money scams

And how they hide from the public while controlling the public

AZquotes dot com

Buy local, make friends with your local farmshop.

Grow your own veggies & herbs.

If you have space, keep chucks.

Buy local, make friends with your local farmshop.

Grow your own veggies & herbs.

If you have space, keep chucks.

@UncleIroh At least you weren't deserted. You weren't lied to, either.

More Stupid People Logic.

Nobody: What's your favorite paradox?

Me: If you ask Rick Astley for his copy of the movie UP, he cannot give it to you, as he will never give you UP.

However, in doing so he lets you down. Thus creating the Astley Paradox.

Sad! 😔

I seem to remember that @Tfmonkey has already proved this fallacy, "Don't Invest In Fat Chicks"

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.