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Impulse Control

How do you demolish this? You have to eat the crust too.

A: Cautious start, crust first approach
B: Take no prisoners, crust last
C: Deep first cut, then straight into B
C2: Deep first cut, then around the crust

I tend to go for C2.

If it wasn't clear to you before now, the last 2 weeks of MSM/Reddit/TikTok/Meta should have made it crystal clear:

Western politics revolves around appointing people that won't be hated by women.

I fucking hate that this is true, but it is.

If you understand what dialectics are, then you understand why they have arranged a political battle between Good Black Woman™ vs Evil Old White Man™ with the pieces left on the board.

If Evil Old White Man™ won't actually die from assassination, then he at least needs to die symbolically. And be humiliated as much as possible in the process by "losing" again in November.

It's the same as what they've done to Star Wars & Indiana Jones but IRL.

A useful and short primer on BRICS and global economics from sanctions expert Jim Rickard.

Last up is Uberboyo talking with the WhatIfAltHist guy, and they focus on putting what's happening right now in a broad historical arc based on past patterns.

One prediction that grabbed me is that he thinks there will be less than half the current global population by the end of the century.

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Next up is Tom Luongo talking with TFTC, a bitcoin guy, on the Trump assassination.

I don't normally like either of them, but I'm about halfway through, and what I've heard so far is pretty sound.

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Some very insightful podcast episodes out right now. The script has flipped and some people are really stepping up their commentary and prediction game.

First up is Scott Ritter talking with Dialogue Works. His analysis on Israel's bleak future is priceless.

I'm taking this as a massive white pill.

If Kamal-Toe is really going to be the nomination, then there are now 2 fronts to divide and conquer over, race and sex.

Given the feminist backlash we've seen everywhere, I'm expecting a tidal wave of "anti-misogyny" flak to start any day now.

We're all domestic terrorists now.

Maybe someone did hijack Biden's Twitter and decided to force the issue.

My employer is horrible at communication, but jeez.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.