Tags: 1900_1945, video, jews, adl, leo_frank, lynching, mary_phagan, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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@Tfmonkey This is what happens when one travels to the East Coast during hurricane season... It's easier to travel by "kite" than by plane.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey Power is the lie that Opportunity will last forever.

Freedom is the ability to deny or accept one's capability.

Even Bob Barker knew what was up

@sardonicsmile THAT was disturbing. I was mistakenly expecting the girl to fall apart.

It wasn't until I saw bugs running about, that I realized her world was 'rotting' apart.


@Tfmonkey One can't enjoy "Rights" if one is dead. One is not "Civilized" if one lives by the knife.

One can defeat the Multitudes with "Right Judgements".

@sardonicsmile I like how he is totally "Go ahead, ignore what I said, Live your Lie."

@Tfmonkey Are "down" for the day? People are still waiting on "The Morning Constitutional".

@Tfmonkey That is because retards are kept in a gated community where almost everything is done FOR them, and heaven knows the association is very apt.

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