@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey

have you thought about fucking celestina a little bit more often? that always get me sweating, sex is a great work out

obviously keep a good diet

@37712 @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave I'm actually in pretty good shape and just sharing some tips as I learn to optimize my health. I'm not morbidly obese with two china like my co-hosts.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @zebuceta @Mike_Microwave That's you big guy. @mrhorsetwat. You're the one with too many china to count.

@37712 @Tfmonkey @zebuceta @Mike_Microwave @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic I'm probably the only voodoo simp here because I actually resepct him enough to not call him fat since he actually put in the fucking work. Unlike moldova over here.


@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @Tfmonkey @zebuceta @Mike_Microwave @mrhorsetwat

Also just parenthetically I asked horse about increasing my grip strength Ive incorporated that into my workouts (just holding 25kg in each arm for 30 seconds) after 3 days of this I was able to hold it for 60 seconds so I'm going to continue to up the time till I hit 2 minutes then I'll up the weight and go back to 30 seconds sound good to you?

@VooDooMedic @37712 @Tfmonkey @zebuceta @Mike_Microwave @mrhorsetwat
Do a farmer's carry. Don't just hold it. Walk with it. Good for grip strength and core.

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