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@bronze is there a way to change your instance on the fly without making a new account but keeping your post history?

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I expect Dems to put on a show about being upset and voters to go apeshit, but in the end the Dems know that they want him out too. I expected them to get rid of him themselves a year ago.

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VooDoo boosted

I put my bed on the floor, honestly the best decision I've made in a while, more comfortable then ever and I can also just flop down on my bed ugh it's great

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This father lost custody of his "trans" child because he refused to call him a girl (Texas)

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Let’s free women from the burden of child bearing! Praise the Omnissiah

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@Tactical @bronze @LordMordred @johnbudd1350 Stolen? No, no, nothing so common as larceny here—larceny requires asportation, and your heart is still within your chest, so proceeding on that basis might get shaky. Instead, given the interests involved, it may be advisable to file for your heart's reclassification as a special legal entity, upon which basis new paths open, paths that we're sure will lead to the satisfaction of all involved.
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Good day cunts, my need for a fox wife and a fox daughter has risen beyond dangerous level
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.