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VooDoo boosted

Three cheers for VooDoo!
Hip Hip! Hooray!
Hip Hip! Hooray!
Hip Hip! Hooray!

VooDoo boosted

I think a couple of my coworkers are catching onto my act.

But I'm so well liked they can't do shit about it! 😂

Machiavelli was a GENIUS!

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted


Divorce is fine, but if the courts automatically give half or more to the woman regardless of her conduct, we are rewarding grifting.

No division of assets, no alimony, and no child support paid to the divorcing parent, and this problem goes away.

The next 9 days will be my make-or-break with my goal weight target which is 80 kg (176.37 pounds) by the 16th, I'm currently sitting at 89.4 kg (197.093 pounds) I'm going to be eating only protein and drinking zero sugar drinks and water


VooDoo boosted

Some dickhead just had to get escorted off the plane sussy baka

So my flight was delayed for an hour and a 45 minutes still waiting for replacement pilots to get here in order for me to get up to where I'm going for work... Covid mandates ammright

VooDoo boosted

I have 20 pounds to reach my goal weight!!!

VooDoo boosted

stream is cancelled. Internet is dogshit due to weather.

-> Gross income for a week is
-> Net income for a week is

38.50% tax rate for me... Kill me now....

VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
VooDoo boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.