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To the bros on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving

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It's apparently international men's day. Not that anyone cares.

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Attention everyone. This man is now the president of Argentina.

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Oh shit of fuck he's not a prog marxist faggot call him far right.

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I've been thinking about dropping jewpills more often given what's going on in the Levant. I think we're at a critical juncture with more and more people waking up and taking notice of the machinations of the so called "chosen people"

An interesting take on the topic of Punishment:

TL:Don't Speak French : A social group abides by a sense of solidarity and the punishment is proportional to the defiance from said norms of solidarity. A defiance can be a misdemeanor, felony or any poorly seen action,

Since wealth and prosperity in a social group depends on the level of Freedom permitted, willingness to cooperate and trust and solidarity, a more severe punishment for deviations actually increases both.

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In the event of a world ending nuclear Holocaust, the Amish and the Mountain People would most likely be the ones to inherit America.
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The beauty of technology is that it brings people together.

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Wait.... You can edit porn videos with ai to change or remove women's faces and change skin colour bro what the fuck is this future

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.