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Jewish Savagery🤬🤬🤬 

⚠️ Graphic imagery.

Bulldozers of the US-backed IOF ran over and mutilated the body of a Palestinian civilian prisoner in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the northern Strip.

The prisoner was documented with visible bruising and restraints, signs of torture and detention, which were present before the bulldozer ran him over.

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there is something about living by your own judgment, maybe this is why the barbarian archetype still lingers, deep down, our ego never truly dies, it's just remains dormant.

Until you can finally release that selfishness, we have been burring for too long. and having the strength to preserve it.

When young Italians join the mafia, and they get money, power and woman. they become their own barbarian. in Mafia 2 arts where there is naked woman with a shadowy figure of a men with a gun.

@Tfmonkey I know Shattermare Comics is no longer a sponsor for now but I'd love if someone can reach them out for a possible virtual release only (epub, pdf, scan even).

I live in Europe and €45 shipping for a €30 volume book is just too much of an ass kick for me.

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It's a meme I found online, don't take it seriously.

But lmfao

Who blew up Nordstream ? Putin's answer from the Tuckek Carlson interview.

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