@dander Brown london but not the HQ at Telaviv.
@Based_Accelerationist “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
This is true. I've seen it.
@OurRepublic Jews don't believe in evolution. It's goyslop.
@Aethelbald There's Nation of Islam, home of our creator Yakub.
@LysanderMooner Getting a license for a firearm completely defeats the entire purpose of having one.
@Justicar Well, there is a way...
@sardonicsmile Do the men think it's a big deal? They seem to be fine with it, so much so they choose to die in battle rather than fighting the men who draft them.
@LysanderMooner isn't that just communist china?
@dwarvenallfather Apparently not enough people. There's still work for thanatos to do.
@Scubbie @Stahesh @dander if they did that intentionally and with purpose, yes. Their situation is a pitiful one because they try to fight for status and success inside the fiat money system and fail miserably, turning back to the african status quo.
So the jews/communists ended up weaponizing them to divide their enemies. Who knows, it may have been accidental.
If you think about it, why would she? It literally has no effect in her life at all. It might be even better for her because now there would be "hot" soldiers walking around.
Impale the jews