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I can see it.... The fucken cowlick wiggling like a tail kekw that broke me

Zeb boosted


Western Gen-A's problems are inextricably linked to geopolitics.

This is why I linked these 3 podcasts, together they predict a future where Israel no longer exists (hopefully), The US empire is licking its wounds, BRICS is ascendant, & questions like TWRA, religion & gynocentrism are immediate existential threats that have to be answered.

Look at this recent vid of a crowd of Yemeni men. They are on fire with the kind of high-T vitality we can only dream of. That needs an answer.

Zeb boosted

Trump will be learning his new orders and plan for his presidency on Thursday; if he's allowed to win ofc.

Zeb boosted

Being mega rich and famous doesn't mean you're not weak. Sanity is truly the greatest wealth, as Aaron clarey wrote.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.