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Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

wasnt curckey getting the majority of gas from russia for eurocucks . seems so retarded to use someone who is responsible for making sure u get them fartizes

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, women
Source: The booru is down for now
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Zeb 摆烂 boosted


One of my hardest redpills about female nature was hearing from a friend about how his German shepherd bitch who was in heat escaped by jumping from his 1st floor balcony to mate with a dog whose scent she'd caught.

No concerns about injury, just the need to fuck.

It stuck in my head and wouldn't go away, and when I started to see that same behavior in women who are in "sport-fucking mode", I couldn't unsee it.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.