@37712 @Tfmonkey Sorry about the delay, you can contact me at info@givesendbro.com. We do have other alt payment methods.

@37712 @basedbagel @Tfmonkey Email me at info@givesendpro.com we have other alternatives to paypal. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience.

@basedbagel @37712 @Tfmonkey We are under review by them. I don't think it has to do with the manosphere. I will keep you posted on this issue with Stripe.

For those who want an alternative option to Paypal on GSB, you can either cash app or put the money on your mgtow tv wallet. If putting money on your mgtow tv wallet, please add 3% plus 30 cents as this covers our ultra low commission of 5% for creators. Please email me at info@givesendbro.com with which option you wish. Sorry for the late reply and misunderstanding.

@basedbagel @37712 @Tfmonkey Hey Karuros, sorry the for late reply as I'm not active on the server. Yes, we do have other methods to put money with us on GSB. You can cashapp us or put money on your mgtow wallet and I'll transfer it to GSB. If putting money on mgtow tv, please add 3.0% plus 30 cents as this covers our ultra low profit margin. Email me at info@givesendbro.com if you want our cashapp or if you made the transaction at mgtow tv. Again, sorry for the late reply.

@37712 We had to update the keys for our S3 bucket. Do you know how these software works? I doubt the people using it here have accumulated over 800 GB of media content. Is this software importing media content from other instances?

@VooDooMedic Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I think we can. But is there any way to monetize it?

@Tfmonkey @wiidman Sure, if Ruqqus is befitting for us.

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