
I'm feeling better and now I'm curious, what moment woke you up to America's decline?

Mine was the Snowden leaks.

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@basedbagel It was when Obama labeled all the Iraq war veterans, who were returning home after watching people getting blown apart by IEDs, as a domestic terrorism threat for being white and voting Republican.

@Tfmonkey Holy shit that's a hell of a black pill to swallow.

Historically it used to be political suicide to be against the military but here we are.

I hope they have an AI police force ready after they demonized and vaxxed their military or they're in for a rude awakening...

@basedbagel It was immediately when I became of age to vote. I saw we were stuck with no way out when I saw what was going on in Congress. Absolute shit with absolute shit voters.

@basedbagel I was a general conservative skeptic of liberalism. Being a bit younger I saw the Republicans who I thought were the only people staving off the decline do nothing all complicitly and I the censorship. All of the personal stuff that happened too I lost my faith in the system.

I also was a snowden believer too, but did believe that the system could be reformed and only thought that the tools of the government were being used by one side. While that is true, but I thought there were 2 sides of the state when there really is only the state.

@basedbagel I saw the use of the 1990 Federal Hate Crimes Laws  be used by the FBI and defined by the ADL to target separatists and murder there on citizens at Ruby Ridge as an eye opening decline of America

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