I did yoga every day of January and just hit a crow pose today let's go!


Yoga is gay as fuck.

This is what other gay dudes in your class are thinking.


Lol fuck off! @UncleIroh there's nothing gay about stretching

1. I do yoga at home mostly and I was the only guy in the class most of the time.

2. Yoga was started by men and later coopted by women.

3. Do you get a neurotic pleasure from ruining shit I like?

You already ruined beauty and the beast with your white girl beastiality pill nonsense. 🤮

Leave my yoga alone!

But it's all good I'll get the last laugh when I'm still flexible as I get older 😉

· Edited · · Fedilab · 3 · 0 · 0

@basedbagel @UncleIroh It was started by men. But the men were Indians.🤣

What I do are basic movements of every muscle. I have added running, pull ups and using weights. To make it full body workout.

And the basic movements could look like asian martial arts like tai chi. Where I move muscles in their full range of motion.


Exactly so @Stahesh, internal martial styles like tai chi, bagua and xing-yi are a superior form of yoga since they have both static and dynamic forms.

Internal martial arts are more functional, more badass, and not at all gay, unlike pajeet stretching for camel-toe thots and gay dudes.

"Downward-facing dog" .. more like "assume the position butt boy" .. smh

@UncleIroh @basedbagel I like to read manhwas korean comics with martial arts and internal energy.

Nothing beats mastery of body and mind.

@Stahesh @basedbagel

> I like to read manhwas korean comics with martial arts and internal energy.

Nice. Throw me some titles and I'll have a look.

I've used to study tai chi and bagua, would like to get back into it. It feels great.

The linked video is of Master Chen Ziqiang, the inheritor of Chen family style tai chi. It's basically what peak internal martial arts looks like IRL.

Dude's on another level, and can fight too.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel The pic was from

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> pajeet stretching for camel-toe thots and gay dudes. "Downward-facing dog" .. more like "assume the position butt boy"

Youre reaching and only mentioning 1 style of yoga made for hoes so you can roast me.

One of the yoga positions is literally called Warrior 1 as soldiers used to stretch before a fight.

Flexibility is a key pillar of strength


@basedbagel @UncleIroh My problem with yoga is that is more posing and less moving.

Another thing is that Indians are really not know for their physical prowess.

Compare to stereotype about asians being best in martial arts.

(I know indians are asians too but they are really not real asians.)

My next problem is that yoga really does not look manly.

I personally would not want anything that is associated with indians.

And I think their knowledge is stolen from chinese or other white asians.


>I personally would not want anything that is associated with indians.

What do you have against Indians?

Also there are other styles of yoga that are more movement based.

The stereotypes don't matter because in real life the best martial artists have to do with genetics >>> race or or geography.


@basedbagel @UncleIroh >I personally would not want anything that is associated with indians.

Maybe some food or guru wisdom.

But most indians are really not so inteligent and their civilization is on african lvl.

Their women are ugly as hell.

I have seen what they do to their holy river 🤮

Over populated shithole, an unhygienic environment and Littering all over the streets

@Stahesh @basedbagel @UncleIroh I tried watching that video but I could only watch half.

@Brianhere @basedbagel @UncleIroh Same later part I had to skip because it was so fuck up.

> It was started by men. But the men were Indians.🤣

Chill not you too! @Stahesh


> Do you get a neurotic pleasure from ruining shit I like?

Do you enjoy being gay?

> You already ruined beauty and the beast with your white girl beastiality pill nonsense.

If I had to tell you that, then guess what? Yup, you're gay.

> Leave my yo-gay alone!

You do you. And Dave, Bob, Jack, etc...


> Do you enjoy being gay?

I enjoy being flexible and not having aches and pains due to tight muscles.

> If I had to tell you that, then guess what? Yup, you're gay.

Okay now I KNOW you're trolling me. Who the hell goes around asking white girls how many animals they fuck? you wouldn't even find this s*** out if you weren't looking for it.

> Leave my yo-gay alone!

Fine then keep your muscles stiff and see who laughs last.i don't subscribe to "you do you" as it sounds like the satanic "do as thou wilt" nonsense


I know it's bait yet I'm still so tempted to respond with a long emotional rant.

The mind is a powerful thing


@basedbagel @UncleIroh @Stahesh You are a bagel, which means you have a hole in the middle if your body. You do yoga. You make emotional rants like a female.

Definitely gay.

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