Catholic priests aren't pedophiles.
Satanic LGBT men are pedophiles.
The reason why gays came to the priesthood:
1. Good cover if you want to stay in the closet and never get married
2. You get alone time with kids who see you as a trustworthy authority figure.
Any profession with those characteristics will attract them.
Catholics could have solved this problem YEARS ago if they just let the priests get married but they wanted to keep to tradition.
Now their image is ruined.
@basedbagel If there is one thing I picked up from my dad: ALWAYS have 3 TRUSTED guys in your life. Your Doctor, Your Mechanic, and Your Tax Preparer.
What I like about having my own business:
1. NO VACCINE! 😃 Literally the reason why I started lol
2. I get to work whenever I want, with who I want, wherever I want.
So no more:
Envious/passive aggressive coworkers
Pretending to work
3. People treat me with more respect.
4. Paid by project > hours.
What I don't like
1. Cheap/Retard ass clients
2. Taxes are a pain!
3. Prospecting - constantly sending proposals, getting ghosted and following up with leads can be a pain.
Animations, memes, and philosophy.
TFM slander