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We already have UBI so idk why people are so against it.

Case and point:
80% of gov workers
90% of middle management
100% of HR

Why does Imgur block VPNs but not Tor?

It makes no sense

Me: USA should do all it's manufacturing domestically! 😤

Also me: *Buys Chinese knock off OtterBox to save ~$30*

Say what you want about Trump, he is one adaptable Boomer.

Most boomers just found out how to text and he went viral on Twitter and started his own social media network.

Tips for job seekers in a shit market:

1.Use Google Gemini for tailored cover letters/resumes.

Your time is valuable and most of these employers just ghost you anyway

2. Use to auto fill those shitty company sites that make you put in all the same information for your resume in multiple boxes.

Feel free to chime in if you have any tips that might be helpful.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @Stahesh

It's not your generation. It's democracy.

Optics rule in democracy, and when everyone is equal, no one is worth anything until they perform for the social circus.
@basedbagel @Scubbie @Stahesh

I think you capture the mentality of the "crab bucket" accurately: they know everyone else is trying to take their space, so they belittle everyone else in order to keep their place.

This is why they are Willy Loman style characters. They simply have no relevance to anything except the artificial. This enrages them and makes them petty.
@Scubbie @basedbagel @Stahesh

The job is their only claim to importance, significance, and relevance.

Without it, they are nobodies, with no direction exception shopping and death.

Now that I'm older I can see i was projecting my loyalty and integrity on others who clearly had none.

It hurts my ego to admit this. Who likes to see themselves as a poor judge of character?

I partially blame myself for the lies and betrayals... They can still go to hell though

It's really sucks that at peak horniness is when it's most important to sit down and study...

People who don't like to work vie for management positions.

This is a 🗝️ issue in the workplace

MFW i finish 4 hours of tedious work from my boomer boss in 20 minutes because I can code.

You can't have any meaningful relationships without boundaries.

However you can't have boundaries on people you're financially dependent on.

This is why the biggest sources of stress are school, the workplace, and family.

Without 💰 you're stuck with random people who may or may not be sane and will drive you crazy.

If you have $ you simply leave when someone acts out of line.

No insane people = happiness

I rest my case.

Am I the only one that thinks brave nee world was a much better book than 1984?

I did yoga every day of January and just hit a crow pose today let's go!

I always used podcasts as a teaser for what books I'd like to read.

TIL some people consider watching podcasts thorough research...

I just watched a video from Aaron Clarey cabout Us male loyalty in WW3 and this comment cracked me up 😂 :

"No Russian, Chinese, Afghani, Iraqi, or North Korean ever called me an incel."

Daily reminder you all should freeze your credit with Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.

You can do it online by making an account with each bureau in under 5 minutes.

It plays a big part in protecting you from identity theft and You can always temporarily lift it if you need a new credit line.

Everyone's credit should be frozen by default but then how else would data brokers make billions off of that sweet sweet data mining.

I will never understand why Google didn't just buy OpenAI like Microsoft did.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.