@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @I_AmTheKnight
The way the devil operates is by offering you a choice. That way, he has plausible deniability while you have to accept that it's you who are at fault. You're the architect of your own downfall.
"The Devil's Advocate" and "Eyes Wide Shut" are 2 great films that explore this.
Destiny is proof making millions doesn't make you smart.
Exhibit A: Enters open relationship with a famous female who's been raped before
Exhibit B: Marries sed female with no prenup. Why even get married if you're in an open relationship?
Exhibit C: Uses his platform to extoll degenerate values that have never worked in a functional society ever.
It's so obvious she used him for $$ and a citizenship.
What. An. Idiot! LOLOLL
@UncleIroh I didn't forget I'm reading the 1st couple chapters of 200 years together now.
Ngl I probly won't finish it because its long as hell but at least I'm being honest LOL
Saw a video of guys joking about how men disappear when they get a girlfriend and then come back after they break up they tease him and let him back in the group.
I don't know why but it triggered me into a stunlock.
I will NEVER forgive anyone who ghosts after they get some pussy. and then tries to come back after she dumps his ass.
I REFUSE to be a pussy pit stop.
I can't stress the importance of having habits that build something.
A year a go I made a crude animation of TFM and since then I've been paid thousands of dollars for my videos.
All of this stemmed from glorified meme-making in my free time.
Make it a habit to have a hobby that creates something.
You'll be shocked at what people will buy.
I know I was.
I agree that this will be an octane boost for the small startup, no doubt.
BUT, if the AI workers are leased from a global corp instead of run from an open source version wholly owned by the startup then we have will have created a monster.
The global corps will have their leased workers phoning home & have access to all downstream Intellectual Property & we will be under constant threat of worker termination & lawfare. In essence, digital feudalism.
Not the W we think it is.
The power of routines:
NEVER go into debt for consumer goods.
My MacBook pro was 3700 and I paid 300$ a month and just paid it off.
I was only half retarted because I
1. Never paid a dime of interest thanks to the apple card.
2. Thanks to inflation I paid a little less than if I had bought it in cash up front.
3. My credit score went up paying it back.
But it was still a dumb move.
I should have just waited a year and bought it on Swappa.com used in cash like I do with phones.
Animations, memes, and philosophy.
TFM slander