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It still cracks me up that our multi billion dollar media apparatus got its ass kicked by some random guys with phones/yeti mics so bad they had to ban them lol

Finding out someone is gay to me feels like finding out someone eats fried turantulas.

It's not that I hate gays or im scared of them, i just find their lifestyle choice instinctively repulsive.

I know it makes no logical sense but that's the best way I can describe it.

Even if it wasn't against my religion I still couldn't support LGBT

"when interviewed at the scary table of queers"


Good move sticking your guns though.

Not a lot of people are in a position to do that and this inflation does not help one bit.

If you want to know whether it's you or the job market, reach out to ~100 companies and offer your skills as an independent contractor.

Don't worry about it if they say yes, pay attention to their reaction.

It'll tell you everything you need to know

@basedbagel @Zeb @DoubleD

Agreed. That statement is pure self-contradiction.

Egalitarianism has infected everything, it's the West's Holy Cow, the lie that won't die in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

You guys I just had an epiphany.

I applied to >1,000 jobs for MONTHS to get my 1st job after UNI.

I sent out ~100 proposals to get my 1st client who I still work with to this day.

This market is SO TRASH that I had an easier time getting a client than getting a job.

Let that sink in.

Happy 1 year anniversary to my business!

Storytime: After 6 years of watching business content on YT I finally bit the bullet and started my LLC.

I started off pretty strong until towards the end of the year when I lost all my clients but I would 100% do it all again.

What a wild ride.

If I could go back and tell myself some advice.

1. Don't overthink it, just get started.

2. Charge more $$ lol

TIL you can deduct student loan interest on your tax returns.

I may have taken a loss on UNG but I'm reporting the loss on my taxes so it's all good😎

Since my business posts perform well on here, a warning to anyone starting an LLC:

Make sure you enroll in quarterly payments after your 1st year in business.

If you wait until the end of the year to pay your biz taxes you WILL pay a penalty.

Your tax bill will be more manageable and you have to after your 1st year in business (This varies by state)

I bootlegged Whittney Webb's book because I heard she stole most of her research from Ryan Dawson and didn't credit him.

He couldn't ever call her out until Elon unbanned everyone from twitter.

As a creator I LOATHE plagiarist scum 😡

A generation name should be well thought out and immediately tell you some defining characteristics of that age group.

Gen Z/Zoomers doesn't do SHIT for that.

IGen is a little better but is still a trash name.

I'd prefer something like the Online generation.

It's not catch but at least it doesn't sound so damn lame

Zoomers sounds like a wheelchair special olympics team.

I Based bagel hereby petition for a new generation nickname with all the powers vested in me.

What do you guys think?

Gen Z is the GAYEST generation name there is.

Greatest generation - Brave WW1 fighters

Silent generation - Tough as nails, survived a degression + WW2

Baby Boomers - Biggest generation, fought in vietnam. Has cool name. That's about all the good I can say lol

Gen X - Name sounds cool/dangerous

Millennials - Turn of the century

Gen Z: the LAST FUCKING LETTER in the alphabet that no one uses ever.

To add insult to injury the call us ZOOMERS which sounds like a euphemism for retarded😩

You get a tax credit for owning a home and having a child, ok but why do you get a tax credit for getting married?!

That's tantamount to a tax credit for falling in love.

The more I learn about the tax code the more I despise it.

Hot take: KYC Laws are not there to protect you but to keep track of citizens.

You wouldn't be able to be debanked if your bank didn't know who you are and where you lived.

I'm deeply disappointed in Halsey's support for Israel.

I get that it's your holy land and all but when America does dumb shit I CALL IT OUT.

If you truly care about your country you should call them out on their wrongdoing so that they can improve.

Blind nationalism no matter what is like giving your child whatever they ask for.

Nothing good comes of it

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.