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Charcuterie boards are just Lunchables!

Charcuterie boards are just Lunchables!


@37712 Silicon Valley Bank was heavily invested in tech startups, venture capital, and crypto.

The safe investments in bonds lost too much value and their balance sheet was negative, then the run happened.

@37712 credit unions don't offer corporate accounts, only personal accounts. It's the corporate accounts that take too much risk and bring the banks down.

@blitzdriver @37712 @basedbagel @UncleIroh it's about playing the odds. People who demand 100% gaurentees are just looking for an excuse to do nothing.

"The government COULD still round you up even if you live in the middle of the woods 100 miles from the nearest town, so I might as well just live with my parents, collect welfare, and masturbate for hentai all day and do nothing".

I don't know who needs to hear this today, but the secret to life is letting go of things that are outside of your control.

You're welcome.

A really good video about equality (aka equality of outcome, equity, cosmic justice, and probably a dozen other names because communists love word games.

Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell

he forgot to tell us that women would become whores and destroy society.

I may have come to a realization I'd like to share.

I have been trying to come up with a solution to people who struggle with self discipline. They ask me "how" they can stop caring what others think, or "how" they can stop being lazy, and I think I understand the problem.

You need to develop the ability to envision the goal to stay motivated, which requires abstract thinking and the ability to have an internal model of the world.

This requires an IQ above 100.

Is weakness a product of IQ?

@blitzdriver agreed but I want them to do even more, I WANT MOAR!!!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.