The most un-scientific statement is "trust the science". These normies with their religious devotion to science is dangerous. Science is a method of analysis and the point is to be skeptical. When you loose the quest for understanding that is the soul of science and it becomes perverted for political reasons you are no longer a scientist.
"Kids, everything is better! Look at how great things are!"
"mom literally everyone I know reflexively considers suicide by cop when they see their bills increase again"
But look at the dow jones average!"
I had a realization when it comes to the whole "trust the experts" meme. There is nothing wrong with experts themselves. Even those who despise the slogan have experts they trust.
The problem is that the "experts" we are told we need to trust are preselected by the government to parrot whatever narrative they want. Other experts who may disagree are never the ones we are given permission to trust.
@Ghislaine Some relevant screenshots on why the left fails at memeing. If want to go over things in great detail with a lot of words, you should be writing essays and articles, not memes. What makes a meme effective is that the idea can be conveyed in a short amount of time with few words or extra "context" required.
@DW2 In non-sexual examples, I know of guys who become violent when they are drunk. It turns out that such men are violent. Some men get very sad when they are drunk. It turns out, they have major problems and are indeed sad but not hiding it.
Some are more harmless and just silly. Those are not as big of a concern, though they can be obnoxious.
@DW2 Alcohol just lowers your inhibitions, opening you up to do things that you do want to do but would otherwise hold yourself back from. So anytime someone says "I was drunk, I did not mean that," they are wrong. They really meant it, it just came out of hiding.
So anytime a woman claims she had sex, cheated, or did any other thing but did not really want to do it and only did it because she was drunk, she is lying. Because she did want to do that.
@DW2 Just another sign of a booming economy, you pathethic chud! Bidenomics is totally working!
@Humpleupagus In all seriousness, the reason this would happen is how sensors would detect light differently from darker skin. Darker skin would more likely not reflect as much light as lighter skin. There is not a great way to work around this, as detecting light bouncing off of anything is limited. I had to do some work in something tangeantly similar, so I know full well that this is not something that can be programmatically solved either.
In short, physics is RACIST!
@sickburnbro But given the current trajectory, I don't expect the military to give up their DEI initiatives or the defense contractors to clean house and get serious. This sort of institutional rot cannot be easily reversed, as the rot has been going on for far too long.
Much of the world will heal, and much of Europe will suffer without having the US to be their military. A whole lot of countries might be able to have authentic elections once more.
@sickburnbro I get a strong feeling the military industrial complex got far too complacent with all the years of the US being unchallenged by other countries militarily. The people in the military and the defense contractors must have been thinking that they could just coast on being number 1 and milk the government for more money while not caring about delivering results.
Not anymore. We have challengers now. If they do not fix things quick, then the US will not be a "superpower" anymore.
@Engineer I see him as an expert regurgitator of other people's ideas. Although he is not an expert at picking out which ones are good to use.
For example, this opinion is just taking what someone on 4chan posted quite a while ago (I mean a good number of years ago). And given that it was on 4chan, you cannot know for sure if the poster was serious or not. I cannot give Andrew as much benefit of the doubt.
@smugumin What will fix birth rates is reverting back all feminist policies that are causing the issues with women not having children.
Subsidizing invasions is making native birth rates worse, yes. But it is not the only factor. Also, the same people supporting feminism support this replacement migration. I also find it asinine that immigration "solves" birth rate issues, when it clearly doesn't.
@smugumin >its our fault for not having kids when our money is stolen for this while we can barely sustain ourselves
You are not wrong about this being a major issue. No country should be subsidizing invasions, especially not with the money taken from their own people.
However, reversing this alone will not in itself solve the birth rate issue. So if/when the practice of replacement migration ends, it will not be the last step in fixing birth rates.
@justnormalkorean For the guy, he should not date a woman with that many red flags (if they are indeed red flags). He may just he joking and she is too dense to get that. In that case, she is stupid (also a bad prospect).
For the girl, this guy does not appear to have much respect for her. Maybe she did not deserve or earn that respect, but why have a relationship then? Respect is needed for a relationship to work, (both for the other and self respect).
@justnormalkorean Why is this "relationship" even still continuing? Clearly they do not have a strong case for a lasting relationship, no matter who is right or wrong here. Only one side of the story, so not enough details to conclude who is correct.
But relationships should not exist without a clear long term goal in mind. It seems neither of them are in the right mindset if both are still agreeing to be in a relationship.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.