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@Tfmonkey Why would they come back if they suspect that they might just do it again? All it takes is one "pandemic" and the whole thing starts over again. At least that is how I would see things if I were in the position of those who were kicked out.

Though I will not discount that other factors would be at play too. It is just that nobody in their right mind would accept the government never trying the same shit again.

@DW2 Saw that one too, and I am uncertain if I will bother to watch it. Any channel that gets views in the 100K+ range and is allowed fine on the platform is going to be far too normie-friendly to give any real answers.

The sooner people can accept that some groups or individuals are less intelligent than others, the sooner we can have better solutions for how to deal with these differences. Pretending they do not exist just causes the problems we see today (e.g. CHIPS act and DEI).

@Tfmonkey I think every time you talk about how the reason that military recruitment is down is not due to the Covid "vaccine" requirement, I think that there is a mistake there. Yes, the other factors are also good reasons, but I don't think that the clot shot requirements cannot be factored out because it is not as if they cannot just bring it back again or bring it back in some other form.

In this case, the cat is out of the bag and everyone knows that mRNA shots can be compelled at any time

Daylight saving time is total bullshit, but it's the law, and we practice it today.

@WashedOutGundamPilot >justice involved individuals

The mental gymnastics that leftists will go through in creating new useless euphemisms is really astounding. Even if the article did not state it outright, it would eventually become common knowledge and the euphemisms would not mask the truth.

If you ever have to wonder who is lying and who is telling the truth, those that resort to word game magic are the ones that are lying.

@LCCMV @sardonicsmile Consider the age of the women and the age of the men. Women who show up to these events would not be those in their 20s unless they are single moms, and ever other woman would be at the age where men would be less inspired to show up.

Men who are the "ugly losers" are far more likely to see such an event as pointless when they know that they will still get rejected regardless.

@perfect_brains @ButtWorldsMan If he was capable of doing that he would not be a literal cuck.

Article for reference:

I get that many at the Epoch Times would be concerned about China and the CCP, though I will have to say as far as my interests go, my own government is a far greater threat to my freedom and wellbeing than the Chinese government. Perhaps this is all part of the groundwork for war against China. Who knows though?

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I get a very strong feeling that all the talk about banning TikTok has nothing to do with national security in the slightest. Or perhaps you could say it is "national security" in the sense that they want to keep their power secure by making sure they can remove any platforms getting too big outside of the mainstream ones they already control.

I give very few shits about "misinformation" or censorship concerns when our own government is doing all of that already to a worse extent.

@MasterSimper "Hang out?" What does this mean exactly? And what do you want out of a relationship with this woman?

I doubt you want just friendship. You need to set the terms of what you want right away. No "hanging out" that makes it seems like you are just wanting friendship if you want more. It wastes less time and gives you answers earlier.

@FinalDresdonation Perfect example of "I'm sorry I got caught." She would shed no tears if he never found out, and she would have been sad earlier if she truly was remorseful and would have confessed herself if she had any sense of guilt.

@Xenophon Bunnies also die in large quantities due to the numerous predators that eat them and consequently care little about their own offspring. It is best we do not emulate a species that has the reproductive strategy of hoping a few of them will survive to adulthood.

And no one thinks rabbits are "pure" either. There is a reason the term "fuck like rabbits" is used when a couple is having sex often. It sure is not due to their "purity."

@DW2 This reminds me of my hate-listening of an NPR segment I had today with them talking about "recognizing misinformation" and "media literacy." One of the examples was "vaccine misinformation." Of course NPR was 100% pro-mystery-juice and sees anyone questioning these being "safe and effective" as "misinformation."

I am sure that they will not talk about this gem, as it would reveal that their talk about "fighting misinformation" is just bullshit.

@PapaPole I don't know. If he was, that is just cringe. But I am guessing he was not.

This is a cool image because whenever it pops up on social media you can guarantee hundreds of the most absolutely disgusting atheistic anti-natal civilization-parasiting fourty year old women and faggots in the comments.
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